When an Author Should Submit a Dummy
Melissa Manlove and Ariel Richardson talk about when they want an author to just send a dummy.
Melissa Manlove and Ariel Richardson talk about when they want an author to just send a dummy.
Arree Chung shares tips so that you can have the best possible critique group experience.
Myrna Foster talks about the one thing she does before she gets too far into her process that she believes makes a difference in differentiating her manuscripts. She also shares a video highlight of Melissa Manlove and Ariel Richardson discussing how you can make your manuscript stand out, even if it’s on a subject that’s already been covered.
Myrna Foster introduces Tim McCanna as the Storytelling in Rhyme intensive instructor. As you get to know Tim, you can also learn about school visits and enter a book giveaway!
Myrna Foster shares snippets from Storyteller Academy’s Submission Ready class, where Chronicle Editors Melissa Manlove and Ariel Richarson talk about mentor texts and multiple hooks.
Myrna Foster introduces Jannie Ho as the Adobe Illustrator intensive instructor. This post includes a book giveaway.