Student Success Stories: Nadia Salomon
Storyteller Academy’s Myrna Foster interviews Nadia Salomon about the release of her debut picture book, Goodnight Ganesha. This post includes a book giveaway and highlights from Nadia's book launch.
Storyteller Academy’s Myrna Foster interviews Nadia Salomon about the release of her debut picture book, Goodnight Ganesha. This post includes a book giveaway and highlights from Nadia's book launch.
Storyteller Academy students and instructors share the obstacles they've overcome to reach success as children's book creators.
Storyteller Academy’s Myrna Foster interviews Todd Sturgell about his debut picture book, Except Antartica. This success story includes a giveaway and QueryTracker information.
Storyteller Academy’s Myrna Foster interviews Laurie Elmquist about the release of her third board book, City Baby. This post includes a board book giveaway.
Myrna Foster interviews Storyteller Academy student Katy Tanis about illustration projects, book deals, critique groups, and other things. This post includes two book giveaways: I AM THE JUNGLE and LOVE IN THE WILD.
Myrna Foster interviews Storyteller Academy student Lily LaMotte about her graphic novel This post includes a giveaway of Lily's debut book, MEASURING UP.
Myrna Foster interviews Storyteller Academy student Amanda Malek-Ahmadi about her picture book. This post includes a giveaway of Amanda's debut book, 10 BALLET DANCERS.
Myrna Foster interviews Storyteller Academy student Julianne Winter about her illustrated illustrated chapter book. This post includes a giveaway of Julianne's debut as an author/illustrator, TALES OF WHIMSY: BOOK ONE: WISHWEAVER.
Myrna Foster interviews Storyteller Academy student Joana Pastro about signing with Natascha Morris at Bookends Literary Agency, and about her plan for her debut picture book. This post includes a giveaway of Joana's debut, LILLYBELLE, A DAMSEL NOT IN DISTRESS.
Myrna Foster interviews Storyteller Academy student AJ Irving about signing with Jordan Hamessley at New Leaf Literary and about her plan for her debut picture book. This post includes a giveaway of AJ's debut, DANCE LIKE A LEAF.
Myrna Foster interviews Storyteller Academy student Teresa Robeson about winning the Asian/Pacific American Award. This post includes a giveaway of Teresa's award-winning debut and her second picture book.
Myrna Foster interviews Storyteller Academy student Sue Macartney. This post includes a giveaway of Sue's picture book, BENJAMIN'S BLUE FEET.
Myrna Foster interviews Storyteller Academy student Charlotte Watson Sherman. This post includes a giveaway of Charlotte's picture book with Akem, BROWN SUGAR BABE.
Myrna Foster interviews Storyteller Academy student Rita Lorraine Hubbard. This post includes a giveaway of Rita's picture book with Oge Mora, THE OLDEST STUDENT.
Myrna Foster interviews Storyteller Academy student Sharon Langley. This post includes a giveaway of Sharon's debut picture book, A RIDE TO REMEMBER.
Myrna Foster interviews Storyteller Academy student Adriana Hernández Bergstrom. This post includes a giveaway of a picture book that Adriana illustrated, BOOMER AT YOUR SERVICE.
Myrna Foster interviews Storyteller Academy student Teresa Robeson. This post includes a giveaway of Teresa's debut picture book, QUEEN OF PHYSICS.
Myrna Foster interviews Storyteller Academy student Ken Lamug. This post includes a giveaway of Ken's latest picture book, GHASTLY GHOSTS, and one of his graphic novels.
Myrna Foster interviews Storyteller Academy student Mirka Hokkanen about how she uses printmaking, watercolors, and Procreate for her illustrations. This post includes a giveaway of Mirka's debut picture book.
Myrna Foster interviews Storyteller Academy student Abi Cushman about how she got an agent and signed a two-book deal with Viking. This post includes a giveaway of an 8×10″ signed giclee print using archival inks on a cotton rag paper featuring a scene from SOAKED!
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